An introductory tutorial on statistics and data science I developed for language scientists in R (using tidyverse). If you end up using these materials (blank demo, completed demo, unfolding code demo), please let me know what you think!

Please email me if you are interested in hosting a workshop at your institution. I have materials developed for a 3-5 day workshop that I taught virtually at the Norwegian University of Science & Technology Language & Linguistics department in March 2020.

An introductory presentation on data visualization using the ggplot2 package in R that I developed for a one hour workshop.

A compilation of some of my favorite online resources to learn and practice data science & visualization in R.


A growing collection of resources (blogs, papers, podcasts, resistance funds, healing toolkits) to actively challenge racism and oppression with a focus on academia and science.

A growing collection of STEMMinism reads listed on World Cat. Suggestions my own.

Some friends & colleagues at McGill developed a checklist when planning events to ensure equity and promote diversity.

American Association for Applied Linguistics guidelines for communicating rights to second language users of English in Australia, England/Wales, and the USA.


Brilliant simulator/educational tool to understand complex social networks. Would recommend checking out their other work.