On June 10, 2020 we #ShutDownAcademia #ShutDownSTEM to strike for Black lives because #BLACKLIVESMATTER. Since then, I have been compiling the resources that I have found helpful in actively challenging anti-Black racism and other intersecting systems of oppression.

This page is for you if you are looking to donate to resistance funds, if you are seeking a community, if you are healing, if you want to diversity and Blackify, if you want to learn about racism by reading, if you want to learn about racism by listening, or if you want to connect with other amazing resource collections.

I will also link to upcoming events in the photo gallery below (click on image for more info).

Please consider my positionality as a Middle Eastern cis-female member of the academy. Given my background, most of these resources orbit around conversations of equity in science, academia, and psychology, though certainly not all. By no means is this collection intended to be exhaustive. As such, I gladly welcome your suggestions to be appended to this growing collection. Thank you.

Page last updated on august 20, 2021

If you can donate to resistance funds…

If you want to diversify and Blackify…

Short, accessible reads

Longer, academic reads

Don’t forget about works from the feminist canon that intersect race with other systems of oppression

If you want to learn about racism by reading…

If you want to learn about racism by listening…

If you want to connect with other amazing resource collections…