This page is for you if you are looking to donate to resistance funds, if you are seeking a community, if you are healing, if you want to diversify and Blackify, if you want to learn about racism by reading, if you want to learn about racism by listening, or if you want to connect with other amazing resource collections.
Please consider my positionality as a Middle Eastern cis-female member of the academy. Given my background, most of these resources orbit around conversations of equity in science, academia, and psychology, though certainly not all. By no means is this collection intended to be exhaustive. As such, I gladly welcome your suggestions to be appended to this growing collection. Thank you.
US Resistance Funds Google sheet by state
The Bail Project, a US jail fund that fights racial and economic inequalities in the jail system
Black Visions Collective, an organized dedicated to Black liberation and the healing of Black lives.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, US legal organization fighting for racial justice
ACLU Nationwide provides a broad range of legal services for civil rights issues
Color of Change, US online racial justice organization.
Campaign Zero, organization aimed at ending police violence across US.
Transgender, Gender-Variant, and Intersex Justice Project, a united family for folks who are transgender, gender-variant, and intersex.
Gays and Lesbians living in a Transgender Society, supports the health and rights faced by transgender sex workers.
Steel Smiling Pittsburgh, a Pittsburgh-based organization that delivers mental health resources to communities of Color.
If you can donate to resistance funds…
If you are seeking a community…
American Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association
SPARK Society: A society for Cognitive Scientists of Color (post job openings/opportunities)
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans (SACNAS)
If you are healing…
If you want to diversify and Blackify…
Short, accessible reads
Invisible Labor, Eric Anthony Grollman discusses the exploitation of scholars of color in academia
Interview with Jonathan Metzl, Dying of Whiteness…
Longer, academic reads
A theoretical analysis of White Silence
A journal article on White Fragility
A journal article on The White Space
Don’t forget about works from the feminist canon that intersect race with other systems of oppression
Kimberle Crenshaw - Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color
Patricia Hill Collins - Black Feminist Thought on the Matrix of Domination
Jessica Yee - Feminism FOR REAL: Deconstructing the Academic Industrial Complex of Feminism
Audre Lorde - Sister Outsider
bell hooks - Feminism is for Everybody
Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia
If you want to learn about racism by reading…
Vocal Fries podcast on linguistic discrimination by Megan Figueroa and Carrie Gillon
Code Switch podcast on race from NPR
Pod Save the People podcast on activism and social justice by DeRay Mckesson
Woke or Whateva podcast on race (bilingual: EN/FR)
Cite Black Women podcast on amplifying the contributions of Black Women in academia
If you want to learn about racism by listening…
Uprooting Whiteness by William R. Frey
Culturally Response Leadership by Joe Truss
Montreal Anti-Black Resources by 500 Women Scientists MTL
Anti-racism Resources & Supporting BLM and Black folks by Kendra Calhoun
Accelerating Systemic Change in STEM Higher Education resources on equity